Registry Entry Submissions

Displaying 3,101 - 3,125 of 3,199

Entry IDDate CreatedCase TypeGenderDate of BirthAge (Days)Disease CategoryI. Congenital Malformations of the Respiratory TractIV. Infections of the Respiratory TractIV. B. Lower Respiratory TractV. Pleural DiseasesV. A. Pleural EffusionVI. Non-infectious Disorders of the Respiratory TractVI. C. Tumors of the Chest & LungsVII. Other Diseases with Prominent Respiratory ComponentXIV. Others DiseasesIX. Airways DiseaseICD - DiagnosisSpecific/Additional Pulmonary DiagnosisComorbidities & OthersOutcomeCreated By (User)
27243October 19, 2024NewMale03/01/20163154IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIACEREBRAL PALSY SPASTIC QUADRIPLEGICDischarged
27242October 19, 2024NewMale01/02/20221021IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIADischarged
27241October 19, 2024NewFemale08/14/202466II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP22.0-RDSEARLY ONSET NEONATAL SEPSIS; PREMATURITY 31 WEEKSExpired
27240October 19, 2024NewMale08/03/202477II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27239October 19, 2024NewFemale08/11/202469II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27238October 19, 2024NewFemale08/18/202462IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIADischarged
27237October 19, 2024OldFemale11/29/20211055IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA

PTB, clinically diagnosed, intensive phase

27236October 19, 2024NewFemale10/16/20114752V. Pleural DiseasesA. Pleural effusion1. Infectious-parapneumonic, effusion, TB effusionA15.6-TB EFFUSION

S/P thoracentesis

27235October 19, 2024NewMale10/30/20191816IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract6. Acute bronchitis/bronchiolitisJ20.0-ACUTE BRONCHITISDischarged
27234October 19, 2024NewMale12/30/2023294IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIACONGENITAL HEART DISEAS: CYANOTIC PROBABLY TOF, NOT IN FAILUREDischarged
27233October 19, 2024OldMale03/17/2023582IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIADischarged
27232October 19, 2024OldFemale06/22/2022850VI. Non-infectious Disorders of the Respiratory TractA. Bronchial AsthmaJ45.21-BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, INTERMITTENT, IN ACUTE EXACERBATIONDischarged
27231October 19, 2024NewMale08/15/202465II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27230October 19, 2024NewFemale08/17/202463II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIANATAL TEETH S/P TOOTH EXTRACTIONDischarged
27229October 19, 2024NewMale08/18/202462II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIAHIE STAGE IDischarged
27228October 19, 2024NewMale08/22/202458II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27227October 19, 2024NewFemale07/04/20153395IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA

Bronchial asthma, uncontrolled, in moderate exacerbation

27226October 19, 2024NewFemale08/15/2022796IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIADischarged
27225October 19, 2024NewFemale08/27/20095532IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA

Bronchial asthma, uncontrolled, in mild exacerbation

27224October 19, 2024NewFemale05/20/2022883IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIADischarged
27223October 19, 2024NewFemale04/22/2023546IV. Infections of the Respiratory TractB. Lower Respiratory Tract1. Pneumonia, community acquired- (PCAP A, B, C or D)J18.9-PNEUMONIA, UNSPECIFIED ORGANISM=COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIADischarged
27222October 19, 2024NewFemale08/16/202464II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27221October 19, 2024NewFemale08/17/202463II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27220October 19, 2024NewFemale08/17/202463II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
27219October 19, 2024NewFemale08/12/202468II. Respiratory Disorders of the NewbornP23.0-CONGENITAL PNEUMONIADischarged
Entry IDDate CreatedCase TypeGenderDate of BirthAge (Days)Disease CategoryI. Congenital Malformations of the Respiratory TractIV. Infections of the Respiratory TractIV. B. Lower Respiratory TractV. Pleural DiseasesV. A. Pleural EffusionVI. Non-infectious Disorders of the Respiratory TractVI. C. Tumors of the Chest & LungsVII. Other Diseases with Prominent Respiratory ComponentXIV. Others DiseasesIX. Airways DiseaseICD - DiagnosisSpecific/Additional Pulmonary DiagnosisComorbidities & OthersOutcomeCreated By (User)
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